Thursday, February 2, 2012

Diminished Oxygen Will Cause Pain

Clinically, you would be surprised how many patients enter my offices with chronic pain that doesn’t decrease with any form of treatment.  They have tried acupuncture, chiropractic, massage therapy, and have seen other physical therapists.  Their pain remains the same, why? All soft tissues, including: muscles; ligaments; nervous tissue; and fascia, in the body rely on nourishment from blood to allow them to heal and if you have muscle restriction it can cause vascular compromise to this tissue.
This restriction is often overlooked and is easily released with a skilled clinician that focus on increasing soft tissue extensibility (the ability for the tissue to move).  With the use of integrated soft tissue therapy this restriction can be normalized, furthermore, increasing circulation and promoting healing to the soft tissue involved.  By increasing circulation, oxygen to the soft tissue will be improved and pain will be diminished.

Click here to learn more about Kinetic PT.

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